Transition of taking puppy home

I do everything I can to prepare your pup to go home depending on time  as this is a critical time for them.  In human years your puppy is normally a year old.  Yet people treat there puppies as grown ups and play hard with them as soon as they get them home.  Their bodies need time to gradually develop and their internal systems react quickly to issues such as stress, food change, parasites and excitement.

The stress of transitioning very often can lead to coccidia or giardia which lies dormant in  many puppies. They also can get both of these bacteria from eating their own poop.  They can pickup worms easily when you take them outside and they can contract parvo or distemper which can kill them.

So I know its fun and exciting to take your puppy home,  but please remember they are only one year old in our world. Treat them like one, for your own benefit and the puppies. Relax, go slow and take your time.

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